Ruger LCP II 22 LR Review - Classic Plinking Pistol

Updated 19 months ago

I’m Drew Case from Beyond Seclusion bringing you the reviews directly here to where I only give you my honest opinion and it is what it is.

LCP II 22lr – Specs & Tec

Ruger 57

Lite Rack with Refined Slide Serrations

LOW Recoil

Manual Safety

10+1 Capacity

2.75” SS Barrel

5.2” Overall Length

11.2 oz

Fixed Sights

So, the LCP II is really pretty simple. Ok, it’s not chambered, I just want to show you as far as I do have small hands so those of you with really large hands it’s gonna be hard to hold. We’ve got a manual safety here so when it’s on safety it’s easy enough to just reach over and take it off safety. The sights are fixed, I put some sight paint on here the one sight has come off I’ll have to reapply that. You’ve got mag release here, safety in the trigger. Now, one thing with this is the trigger will not pull, it won’t go unless the mag is in it. Ok, to disassemble is really easy you just get it back, ok, hold the slide open, we’ve got a little retaining pin here, does not come across to the other side that you can per say punch out and you just take like little flat heads, it breaks free, ok, that pops out and then the slide comes off and we can get the barrel and clean and then to put it back we just simply reverse that, lock the slide open. You do have to manage work the barrel so that it lines up, ok, it tends to come forward just a little bit. That pin, there’s a little kind if spring in there and there we go, slide release is right here. That’s all there is to it guys.

Ruger LCP II 22LR in Hand

Just quick, I just gonna show you I kind of made my own, it comes with this Holster but this was sewn shut and I had the idea to just kind of cut that stitching so I can pop and use it to hold my mag in my pocket. I don’t know, if Ruger would like to adopt that but I thought it was a pretty good idea and then you’ve got kind of some texturing here to hold it in your pocket when you pull it out.

Ok, so I said it’s gonna wait for nice weather, I just… this thing’s just burning the hole in my pockets I gotta give it a try. I love it!

For a 2.5 inch barrel 22 long rifle that’s pretty good. Let’s try a hundred. First shot, that’ll probably be the only one. And did it again.

Guys, that’s not bad, again, for this little thing at 100 yards I’m actually really happy with this.

Ruger LCP II 22LR Shooting

So, what do I think of this Ruger LCP 22, I really like it, I mean we’re over 25, we’re probably 30 yards here maybe even 40 and the ability to get rounds on target with this 2.5-inch barrel is amazing, it really is an accurate little firearm. I’m gonna give you a bonus here, at the end of this I’m gonna empty 10 rounds of this into a ham with what I have come to believe is the world’s deadliest 22 long rifle round and when you see this it’s gonna make you go ‘Hmm’ as far as a concealed carry.

I’m not gonna argue that this is a best choice or that it is necessarily ideal but you gotta see what you can do witt this with 10 rounds of this fragmenting hollow-points into a ham you get more than adequate penetration and basically every shot is once it hits three projectiles with 8 inches of penetration on a solid ham, it’s amazing, you know, at the very least it makes you think back up all the way if not, you know, you just want something small.

Ruger LCP II 22LR Shooting

One thing that they need to do just like all their other pistol mags is they need to put a little latch at least on one side. The mag loader, this thing is great, it’s super easy except if you lose this it is gonna be a bitch to load this thing. I would like to have something so that I can just pull it down. Otherwise, you know, the mag adapter it works great, love this pistol, guys.

Don’t forget the bonus here. I didn’t put it in because it’s kind of long cutting up the ham. There you have it guys, it is what it is, you decide what you think. I hope you enjoyed the video, found it helpful if so help support my channel, come check me out on Youtube under ‘Beyond Seclusion’, I review anything and everything, optics, guns, ammo, accessories, you name it. Anyway, until next time on, happy shooting, educate our young people to shooting and gun safety and be a safe and responsible gun owner.

Ruger LCP II 22 LR for Sale

There’s the exits on the denim, we hit some bone there, we’ll look at that. We’ll go through this, we come over to the back side and this is 8 inches of penetration. Here’s the ones that basically hit the cardboard, the double layer cardboard and stopped and then we have a whole bunch here on the back it almost looks like a buck shot or a shotgun wound but that is 8 inches of penetration. I’m gonna set the camera on the tripod here and we’ll just peel this back one layer at a time. Wow, as you can see it’s just a mess, it absolutely shredded this, turned it to mush. So, we continue to go down through the layers here, a little bit less destruction. We still have a lots of fragment channels, there’s a sharp piece right there. This is six inches in and we still have then multiple holes. We get all the way down to 8 inches and then we start pulling out those little wing pieces, each bullet separates into three of these, wow, and then we get down to the very last layer and it really looks like a shotgun hit. I think that’s the thing that’s amazing about this round and why I claim that this is the world’s deadliest 22 long rifle round. So, if each of those shots, we fired 10 shots, breaks into three of these, ok, that’s 30 of these. That’s no different than getting hit with a buckshot load. There was quite a few that went through, here’s just the ones that were sitting on the back, there’s more in here somewhere, some in the bone.

Ruger LCP II 22LR

There we got 8.5 inches of penetration through solid ham. Let’s see if we hit any bone. Piece of shrapnel clear at the back.

Lot of denim, this is just mush through here. I’m guessing this is where it started fragmenting. You can see guys we’re coming in on this side, we’ve got a lot of the blue jeans in this wound channel. I mean, you have to admit, for a 22 long rifle that’s pretty good.