Dealers API - Price Optimization

Compare and optimize your pricing for best exposure on and online

To access paid dealers API subscription, you will need API key. For obtaining your API key, please complete the monthly recurring subscription for your desired API

Top products

Prices for top most populars products on website.

Monthly Recurring Subscription for Top 150 most viewed products only ($399.99 per month)

  • api_key (required)
  • total_results (optional, default: 5)

Prices by UPC - Full Access to entire database

Get prices for one or million products by UPC.
Monthly Recurring Subscription for Full Access to entire database ($699.99 per month)

Fetch prices for single UPC

  • api_key (required)
  • upc (required)
  • total_results (optional, default: 5)

Here is an example of the UPC API results

         "storeName":"Sportsman's Guide",
         "storeName":"Locked Loaded",
         "storeName":"Smoky Mountain Guns & Ammo",
         "storeName":"Guns Midwest",
         "storeName":"Academy Sports & Outdoors",
         "storeName":"Omaha Outdoors",
         "storeName":"Guns Midwest",
         "storeName":"Guns Midwest",
         "storeName":"Guns Midwest",
         "storeName":"National Gun Owner Association & Buyers Club",
         "storeName":"Peak Firearms",
         "storeName":"Shoot Straight",
         "storeName":"Bass Pro Shops",
         "storeName":"Sportsmans Outdoor Superstore",
         "storeName":"Tombstone Tactical",
         "storeName":"Guns for Gals",
         "storeName":"R&R Sports & Outdoors",
         "storeName":"Bear Arms Munitions",

List of vendor IDs

  • api_key (required)

Return results from selected vendor only

GET{API_KEY}&upc={UPC}&merchant={merchant ID}
  • api_key (required)
  • upc (required)
  • merchant (optional, default: all vendors)

Fetch prices for multiple UPCs in one API call (batch fetch)

POST{API_KEY}&merchant={merchant ID}
  • api_key (required)
  • merchant (optional, default: all vendors)

Request body: (maximum 1000 UPCs per batch)

    "upcs": ["<upc1>", "<upc2>", ...]

Please contact us if you would like to enable URLs from vendors in the API call
You can customize the number of results, URLs, or no URLs and we can do some custom features if you need them...

Postman collection

We have created a Postman collection for your convenience so you can try all Dealers API requests.

You can download the Postman collection here and import it into your workspace.

Before start using it, you need to enter your Dealers API key into the variables section like in the image below:

Dealers API key instruction