
Clear Out Tear Gas Keyholer by Aerko International is one of a group of accessory items designed to facilitate the employment of chemical devices in the Clear Out weapons system.

Frequently officers find themselves in situations that could be easily resolved in small quantities of rapid acting chemical weapons could be used safely without injury of property damage.

Keyholer configuration of Clear Out chemical weapons systems allows introduction of an irritant cloud through small openings in doors, windows, door frames, skylights, cracks in floors, etc…

The purpose of the Keyholer is to provide a means for delivery of Clear Out formulation without any broken windows or doors. Using existing small entry ports (cracks, gaps in windows or doors), weapon technicians can introduce Keyholers’ six foot tube, activate the actuator button and apply an incapacitating level of irritant.

The Keyholer contains:

1% Orthochlorobenzalmolonitrile (CS)
1% Oleo Resin Capsicum (OC)
ultra violet marking dye dissolved in a blend of highly volatile non-flammable solvents
The Keyholer is actuated by using a lockdown total release type with six foot surgical tubing attached for delivery through small openings.

The Keyholer is available in a tinplated steel aerosol can with valve system incorporating a flexible weighted dip tube to totally evacuate can contents at any single angle. The delivery system is equipped with a six toot flexible tube.

To deploy Keyholer: Pass a length of the flexible tubing through a crack or under a door jamb. Actuator can be locked down to totally empty until or can be held partially depresses for only five or ten seconds is sufficient for small rooms. Six foot tubing allows the officer to be back away from doors or windows while deploying the agent.

NOTE: Due to high pressure of dispensing Clear Out Keyholer the tubing can whip. Insert sufficient length of tubing to compensate for the whipping action.

Size: 6oz

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Shipping is $8.99, not $5.99.

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These cell extractors are a good emergency aid. If someone's at your front door and they are there to cause you harm, products like these can defuse a situation without turning to lethal means to protect yourself.

While I'm unfamiliar with this particular product, I have a canister of Fox Lab's Five Point Three (cell extractor kit) with the same tubing, not sure if Clear Out has a ridged section of tube attached to the buisiness end of the fish tank air type of tubing like Fox Labs implements. But at the business end, it should be ridged or a hollow tube to be effective on home and auto doors that have a weather tight gasket.

If not, go to a supermarket and buy a .99 cent metal shish kabob rod, cut it down to 4 inches and use the sharp side. then take aluminum foil tape and wrap it around the Clear out tubing and the metal stake. Obviously a hollow tube is best, but this is the $1 DIY workaround to deal with door or car door weather stripping.

This way the business end is solid and won't kink or deform, you can then push the tubing through the door's weather-seal rapidly in an emergency, if the threat refuses to abate, push the button and the threat will go away.

Without rigidity, the tubing can kink in the door jam weather strip area and you risk blowback, and you'll end up capsaicin spraying yourself. If that happens, Sudecon and yogurt are your friends.

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