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Practice your aim and precision with the Remington UMC 9mm 115-Grain Pistol Target Ammunition, which features metal casings for reliable feed and function. The ammunition is intended for shooting targets. 350 rounds.
Features and Benefits
9mm caliber
115-grain weight
350 rounds
Metal casings for reliable feed and function
Designed for target shooting
Item #:23635

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"Price Drop notificaton for: Backorder Remington UMC 9mm 115-Grain 350 Rnd Bucket - $182.99
Old Price $262.99, New Price $182.99"

You wish, You're drunk, Go home!

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Got this last year. Only American-made centerfire ammo I've ever had a failure to fire with.

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This ammo is hot garbage. I've had so many failures with it through different guns. My scorpion, which hadn't experienced a failure in >1,000 rounds before using this ammo, failed 4 times in 20 shots. Didn't even use the final 10 rounds in the mag. Had some issues with my G2C as well.

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a naive question. is this FMJ?

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I’ve loaded up on these the past several times they’ve been on sale at The shipping times have been under a week and FREE. Academy doesn’t really carry the level of guns and parts I shop for, so ammo is all I’ve purchased from then.

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I never received a 25 dollar rebate from sports academy when I bought 100 dollars worth of 9mm so idk if anyone ever had issues with that shopping through them. That was a good year ago. Other than that the shipping was free:)

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Academy is too stupid to figure out zip codes, so they just dont ship to all of Illinois. dumb fucks.

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Well shit.. is this true ?

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I wouldn't sell to a communistic state either.Best just to move.

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Ordered product with no problems. Great price today. .17 apiece / rnd.
Free shipping and no tax. Great price.

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Screw Remington for offering amazing rebate, selling a ton, and then filing for bankruptcy

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We probably won’t get them if they file for bankruptcy

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I recently received a $100 rebate on one of their pistols.

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I eventually received my 2 rebates on 1 check in March 2018. Lucked out that it was before the bankruptcy filing.

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They might yet file for bankruptcy but it shouldn't be before we get our rebates back unless they stall for months.. at which point we need to grab our pitchforks.

Im giving them till the end of the month then Im gonna be emailing and ringing phones, I mailed mine about 2 months ago.

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Any of y’all get your rebate checks?

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nope, not even a confirm email, Was just wondering the other day about it actually need to check on it.

.. mine says they got it and are processing, If it's not here by the end of the month time to start bitching.

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I'm in the same boat. No upc sticker.

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Ya f'it, I Guess no one's coming to our rescue, I just cut the bastards up, gonna mail them tomorrow.

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can someone post a picture of the the UPC? I keep hearing how these are suppose to have stickers but mine do not.

The only stickers I see are at the top of the bucket and NOT a UPC.
2 of the buckets had a 2nd sticker.. it is a UPC but It does not match the buckets and it says "Store HG Container"

Looks like im gonna have to cut the plastic bucket up.. great. :/

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Also did not get the stickers over the UPC. Cut the bucket with a box cutter and taped it. Hopefully we get our rebates... I received 3 duds with the bullet popped off the casing causing powder to go all over the buckets.

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If we don't Im gonna be HIGHLY pissed off, cost me 210 without rebates which actually puts it as some of the highest 9mm I've bought this year.

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same here wtf lol. just got 3 buckets no paper upc sticker, only other label is a pc of paper on the lid and dont see its relevence to anything on the upc code. edit; called the rebate help line got a garbled robo reply and am waiting for a call back.......anyway I carefully removed the factory label off the shipping box which does have the correct UPC code, hoping that will do.

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you had UPC sticker on your box? I dunno about mine already tossed it.

Oh well.. I just chopped them out of the bucket with a hobby knife.. I put some duck tape over the hole.. seems ok.. also split the 3rd bucket between the other two, I'd say you can fit about 650 rounds in these buckets...

Im just gonna toss mine when Im done though.

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deal is dead now. Out of stock and prices returned to regular non-sale price point.

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Just thought I would put an update in here. The buckets come with UPC stickers, are brass cased. A bucked of 300 .380 rounds had two extra in it. The bucket of 350 9mm had one extra round in it. The ammo seems to be in good shape.

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Did you dump all of them on the table, count them on *Ten Toes* JK lol
Yes brass cased-UPC label peels off bucket - Great deals go fast and SOLD out again.

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Ha, I ran out of toes and used old pistol round trays. Yeah, it was a hell of a deal.

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Company is about to go down, which is why they are doing this huge rebate- no one will get it

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Ya the postmark date was short, they're definitely trying to screw people with this rebate.

It's like playing tug of war with a dildo.. someones getting screwed, if you're quick and on the ball you win.. if not.. well grab the KY cause it ain't no deal without the reabate.

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All the gun companies are "hurting" now because they've been making bank for 8 years on panic buying and hoarding. Now that Trump is in there people feel like they can take a breath, and sales across the gun world are down 30-40%.

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You got it Todd, Companies were most likely stock piling the rimfire ammo to so they could gouge the shit out of the consumers like they did during the Obama/Democrat dictatorship of 8 years, now The Great 45th is in prices are dropping BIGLY. Some jerk off here was bitching to me about prices calling me names like commy etc. because I was calling the rimfire ammo sellers GOUGERS / RIP OFFS for selling 500 rounds/bricks of .22 for GOUGER / RIP OFF prices. Its prob. still sitting on a ICE PACK after that SMACK DOWN I laid on em. You can read his bull shit slobber on lower part of page. 8-) lol

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Wow, the ignorant and the misinformed always bark the loudest. Your post is so full of holes I will need to address it in "bullets" to get through it in one post.
-Prices are dropping because demand is dropping....which means PROFIT, or the money used to create JOBS is also dropping. That is BAD for the nation as whole not good.
-8 years of "Obama/Democrat dictatorship?" Try 2 years of democrat majority control then it was basically a stalemate for the other 6 years. Wow, you must not turn on the news.
-The entire concept of price gouging is actually a CONSUMER driven economic principle (democratic) as opposed to the producer centric idea if prices get to high, demand will slow, prices will drop, and some sort of equilibrium will develop between supply / demand / pricing….which is a staunchly REPUBLICAN idea you are so against. That didn’t happen for 8 years, according to you, so the “Laissez-faire” economic system (I’ll give you a moment to look that up) of 45 is flawed….again, according to you.
-You were the one throwing the word “commy” around. I just thought it was funny to start calling you the same being you are actually spouting socialistic / communist ideals from your little soapbox. All the while pretending you are a free-market republican like Trump. BTW, it is spelled “commie” you simple twat.
-No one was stockpiling anything but the consumers, manufacturers were running full tilt, for 24 hours per day and still could not keep up. As someone stated below, manufacturers they never opened new factories for fear this surge was just temporary and they investment would be lost. Now lets do a little mental exercise: Pretend you own an gun store, would you knowingly buy more ammo then you needed for the short term to ensure you didn’t run out in the near future ( what you call “stockpiling”) to avoid having nothing to sell later? (lack of income) Also, would you not raise your prices as competitors (and distributors) also raised their prices?” (what you call “gouging”) THAT IS WHAT A BUSINESSES OWNER DOES. Did you fail 3rd grade economics?!? The entire idea of ‘fair distribution of goods’ (not “stockpiling”) is about as Karl Marx as you can get sweetie. MadeInUSA apparently thinks we should stand in line for toilet paper.
-"Smack down" suggests you said something of relevant but near as I can tell it you didn't reply, down-voted my last post, then turned tail and ran away like the little female dog you are.

***Now that was a “SMACK DOWN”***

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War time Veterans are not dogs or run away like you will be running when Trump puts your lazy ass to work. Now next time you are watching a NFL game get off your knee and show respect to USA and those who served, and while you are at it get off your two knees before your gods statute OBAMA. 8-)) if you are going to write another 5 minute paragraph try not to use your Professors crib notes no one is reading them except for you and your self placed thumbs up 8- )) **KABOOM** Drops the Mic. and a 250 pound anvil - lol you can copy that one like you did *my* other original ones. By By Bi - U.B. MUTED and kicked to the trash heap. >>> I win and you still R-D-LOSER lol lol lol

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What in the shit are you talking about little boy??!? I am a vet and work full time...two things you will never understand nor could ever do. Now you are rambling about the NFL because you couldn't keep up in a conversation about economics YOU STARTED??? My sides are hurting because I am laughing so freaking hard at the thought of you taking yourself seriously or the fact you are pretending to. Both ideas are so ludicrous....almost as ludicrous as your arguments!

Oh, and I have to bring up "R-D-LOSER." Is that really the best you can come up with? I was thinking you had a mid-elementary education / social development but it is now clear to me you still take naps after your graham crackers and 2% milk. My bad!

BTW, isn't this the fifth time you have "muted" me ;)

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OMG, laughing my ass off so hard I almost blacked out! Now that I said I am a war era Veteran with an Honorable discharge BTW, you now say that you are a Vet? You prob. a 3 day drop out from a *VET*- ERINARIAN class. Wonders if you dress like Gomer Pyle @ your full time work putting patches on bicycle tubes. AND I respect my President D J. Trump and the awesome job he has done for US American citizens in less then a year, even though he is getting shanked in the back by the Dems and most of the Rep. party , + not like you bashing him. mid-elementary education lol, retired @47-own property-houses-vehicles FREE AND CLEAR- No 2% milk BLACK COFFEE. -- Drops mic-Anvil-and 45 pound York plate on toes - LOL LOL 8-)) ** but** if you are a Veteran of the US Armed forces I thank You for your service, handshake, and Thanks 4 the LAUGHS. >> NOW U - B MUTED *6th* TIME lol 8-))

*PS* Doesn't watch NFL any longer, American Patriots and those who served don't take knees or disrespect our RED WHITE & BLUE and those who laid down their lives for it !

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Wow, I can't believe you saw my post after muting me 5 times! It's a freaking miracle! You are a "war era veteran with an honorable discharge?" I have never in my life heard someone describe their service in such a way, 1) If a vet mentions a war....they say which one. 2) No one says "era" because either you were involved with the war or not.....unless you were in the Coast Guard during Desert Storm. 3) No vet ever mentions their discharge status because it is assumed to be honorable unless they are explaining (probably to a prospective employer) why it 'wasn't their fault' they got booted out. I call BULLSHIT to your phony service claims along with all of your other nonsense such as "Trump lowered unemployment 75%." The only war you saw was the battle of Black Friday 2017 from your mom's shopping cart.

Keep it up troll, the more you talk the clearer it is you are nothing more than a basement dwelling, welfare abusing, non-contributing leech off society.

Sad, sad little boy.

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In a desert storm vet& 2 tours in Afghanistan see your making friends even this far back wow what a guy still waiting puss in jump boots , hahaha you a vet my ass!!!

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WOW I CANT BELIEVE YOU RESPONDED AGAIN ROFFLMBO- >>Only to laugh my ass off @ your baby childish replies. 8-) Making assumptions about my service, and you don't know me, you do know what they say about *assume* don't you? Wow you never heard in your life/described? Maybe when you hit 9 years old, put down your Chuckie doll, unlock the attic door and enter the real world you will. *NO* one says era? Glad to hear you know every one in the world and know what they say Carnac The Magnificent. *NO* Veteran ever mentions their discharge status? Wow again, Glad you talked to every Veteran in USA. I was with a few Vets the other day and one mentioned it. I call BULLSHIT to your phoney service claims. Again LMAO @ 75%= typo, meant its closer to 4.7 - Noticed you only picked out ONE of many of the other facts that were listed that the Honorable POTUS has done for the betterment of USA, which whom you bash. The only war you saw was the battle of trying to open that BOX of CHOCOLATES Forrest Gump. Keep it up troll, the more you talk the clearer it is you are nothing more then an ATTIC dwelling blow up doll abusing turd, contributing parasite to USA. A *vet*, the way you talk?, more like a baby sucking on a pacifier with a 3'd grade education, ie. gibberish, name calling, bashing, assumptions, lies, Sad, sad little *little* boy. **KABOOM** Ultimate SMACK DOWN - Drops Microphone, Marshall Amp, anvil, 45lb. York plate, 45lb. Olympic bar, and for good measure your Gomer Pyles boots on all your *13* toes You are MUTED for the TWENTIETH TIME lol. Now this IS the *LAST TIME* I respond. Just Suckered you in all these times for people to see and read your CHILDISH, STUPID, MORANIC BEHAVIOR/COMMENTS. What *YOU STARTED* I finished- I GOT IN LAST WORDS and WON *you LOSE* Hahahahahha Hhahahahahahhahahah - AAAHHHhahahahahhaa -CLICK by by 8-)))

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Actually I corrected EVERY SINGLE ONE of your BS claims...didn't think I needed to do it again. So you accidentally made a "typo" of 75% when you meant 4.7%? That's three different key misses including a decimal and is also a hundred percent false. So either way you're a liar. When did I claim to speak to every veteran alive? So you were just hanging out with a random vet and they dropped the same verbiage you used? Wait...I thought you were a vet. "3'd grade education?" "3'd?!?" I mean THREE COMMA D?!? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

BTW, You were the first one to start making assumptions about people service record, but now you're immune to the same? Typical snowflake can dish it out but can't take it.

I can't believe your magical mute function hasn't worked yet.

Sad, little boy.

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You say its spelled ''commie'' Here but spelled it in your earlier comment to me **Your "gouging" complaint sounds pretty darn "commy"** . LMFAO what did you do, look up the proper spelling in A Saul Alinsky handbook? **NOW THATS A REAL SMACK DOWN** 8-) LMFAO - kicked to the curb you bore me.

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Thought you "muted" me snowflake. BTW, I was spelling it "commy" as I was making fun of your dumb ass....hence the QUOTATION MARKS (I explained those to your earlier when you were using the * sign to quote things. I know I have said "WOW" quite a few times but....WWWWOOOOOWWWW you are a fucking retard.


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You summarized the dangers of populism nicely! They all wrap themselves us in the American flag preaching the virtues of capitalism while ranting about the communist "Democ-rats"....but as soon as the demand side economics raise the market price they go no a rant about corporations (supply side) being greedy price gougers going as far as demanding the old prices be maintained (centralize price controls) because god damn it anything less is violation of my 2A rights!!

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You are under informed.

Manufacturers did not stock pile anything. Their pricing didn't increase either. It was the distribution network that kept increasing the prices to consumer.

Trump caused recession in the gun industry is resulting in massive layoffs in that sectors manufacturing. Remington already laid off +150 American workers from their plant. MagPul, etc also have large scale lay offs.

All of Remington ammo is made in USA, so it's the well paid manufacturing jobs people are loosing as result of this.

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Are you a Dem/Lib lap dog blaming the greatest Pres. we have since Regan? In 7 months +/- Stock Markets GDP breaking RECORD HISTORY - Unemployment down by 75% - Jobs/Companies flocking back to USA BIGLY- border wall going up-Illegal crossing down by 70/80% - factories opening up - Massive military build up * peace through strength* ISIS being SMASHED- gangs being shipped out of USA by the truck loads- Judges elected to bench to *Protect/safeguard our Constitution* and the list can go on and on of the great job our 45th. is doing - TURN OFF the FAKE ASS Dem/Lib bull shit new outlets. Wishing you and all a very Merry Christmas 8 - )

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Now you are just rambling off partisan talking points indiscriminately ......

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WHOO & this other Snow Flake Lap Dog prob. the same dufass. Get your warm baby bottle of milk, Oreo Cookie, Charlie Brown Linus Security Blanket and hurry Clinton News Networks will be on top of the hour with more BS. **KAB00M** Drops mike and moves on. Moe & Shemp U B Muted. 8- ))

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This gets better and better. Your IQ lowers by the f-ing post! BTW, you capitalization skills are almost as developed as your understanding of economics.

"**KAB00M** Drops mike and moves on." Classic!

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More Alex Jones non-sense!
-The stock market has been making “records” for the last 5 YEARS. Do you know what a ‘trend’ is? Funny, though the stock market was dismissed as not relevant under Obama and now it is the holy grail of economic matrices under Trump. Huh….
-Unemployment is not down by 75 percent. That is the dumbest thing I have hear this year. When Obama left office unemployment was at 4.8 percent and now it is at 4.1 percent. That is the difference of 0.7 (ZERO POINT, SEVEN) percent points or exactly 74.3% LESS than you falsely claimed. Under Obama unemployment dropped 4.8 (FOUR POINT, EIGHT) percentage points. Did you see Barrack any fan mail for that???
-Flocking, bigly…care to define either?
-Border crossing are indeed down, and they were also down under Obama. That too is a ‘trend.’
-Massive TALK military about build up. Zero has happened though. The GOP hold congress has pretty much shut down Trump on his silly budget that didn’t work and adding nukes that not a single general said were needed.
-ISIS “smashed?” Didn’t Trump have a “30 day plan to get rid of ISIS?” That plan is about 10 months late so far. I have seen quite a few terrorist attacks across the world in the last 10 months under 45….far cry from “smashed” if you ask anyone with a dead family member.
-Where are gangs being shipped out of the USA? Hint: we did not ship prisoners. (That is the second dumbest thing I have hear this year.)
-“Judges elected” WTF are you even talking about? Does Trump elect people? WOW. (That is the third dumbest thing I have hear this year.)

You do realize we can see that you are the only one up voting your own posts, right?!? Kinda sad.

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