
Here is the AR15 Bolt for the Code Red Firearms lower reciever.

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was in code red today and they have plenty in stock, customer service is no better in the field of weapons, depending on the volume of calls and emails we receive daily, which is to go insane. the order of 999, maybe you get a surprise, I did a transfer in code red for $ 20, now this is my place and also near my house

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in stock at midway.

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Let me put 999 in my cart so it's not an accurate inventory.....Buy at your own risk... Pretty sure they don't have a thousand of them.

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Pretty sure live inventory doesn't change until you check out, with valid CC info... and pay for your goods. Then it will update 1 sec afterwards. This has been the way it is with all the databases and CPI systems I have been an Admin for. Selecting items for a basket or wish list doesn't do anything to a live inventory.

Did you buy any? If not, the 999 figure doesn't do anything. Regards

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No I have plenty....and Midway has these for $59

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