
Take the necessary step to regain your Second Amendment Right back and get an IWB High Quality Leather Universal Holster!

Our Online Certification Courses meet the requirements of many states (IA, VA, OR, CO*) but the primary is for the Arizona Permit itself.

Those that already have a local state permit can add valuable additions of State Reciprocity with an Arizona Permit as well and those who live in states that have limited or no CCW Permit ability (CA/IL) can at least travel to 33+ states after taking the certification course and successfully obtaining the AZ permit by applying.

This great deal will allow students to have an excellent Universal Holster that can is to be worn primarily as an IWB carry as its optimal for Conceal Carry purposes. It allows almost any firearm from sub compact-full size to be carried on their person ready in case of desperate need.

The Extended Conceal Carry Certification Course sells for $90 regularly and the Holster retails for $30 w/shipping and handling.

Get $120 of value for an amazing low price of just $55 by calling ADAT at 515 556 3518 and using debit or credit or by emailing info for purchase directly to [email protected].

*Suggest 2 part ordering email to separate expiration and security code. All CC info emails are deleted after successful transaction and an email is sent with receipt and another for confirmation of order being sent with details/instructions for Video link/password and mailing of Certificate w/Holster on completion*

No more waiting to get what you deserve...Your SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT back!

No travel time, no parking issues/fees, no babysitters needed and no having to worry about a specific date/time that doesn't suit your the Video Course at your leisure and receive a hand signed certificate by mail upon completion the same as you would if in a class.

Call or Email now to get this excellent deal.

*Offer may end at anytime*