
Clear Out Tear Gas Grenades by Aerko International grenades are devices formulated to release their contents in a vapor cloud. Often referred to as Area Treatment Weapons, they are used to fill a space with irritants or inflammatory agents to force people to leave the area.
Aerosol Grenades were specifically designed to be used against barricaded subjects in indoor situations where traditional tear gas grenades cannot be used because of their high potential for fires and contamination.

An aerosol grenade requires no fuse or explosive charge to disseminate the irritant. Since aerosol valves are normally designed to work only in an upright position it was necessary to develop a valve that would work horizontally. Other modifications to the valve were made internally to speed evacuation of the can to under thirty seconds eliminating potential throwback. Unlike FREEZE formula which utilizes heavy solvents to deliver the irritant in a coherent liquid stream directly to the face of the subject, aerosol grenades dispense an irritant cloud in a volatile solvent.

Size: 6oz

Comments (9)

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I use these all the time. I am part of a tac response security team here at a shopping place in Houston. Works great for getting kids to stop hogging up the Xbox one demo in the target here on my lunch break. I usually toss about 8 of them into the arcade if the kids don't leave at closing time. Really come in handy for tossing into cars of people parking in handicapped space (without a permit of course.)

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It seems like a good option for Black Friday shopping. Toss one at the door at five am and stroll on in to Cabela's.

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What's the shelf life?

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This is oddly temping. Could be used in a home defense type of situation where you knew roughly were someone was but was in a place that left you vulnerable if you tried to move / evac. Say you were at the top of a staircase where there was a hallway with a blind corner or bottleneck that someone could use against you. Have a friend where their master bedroom is on the top floor and his children's rooms are on the bottom floor in exactly the same predicament and it worries him. You could stand your ground and fight but not protect you kids or you could open yourself up to potential harm attempting to save them….

Obviously this is a ‘worst case scenario‘ but isn’t that what most of us prepare for?

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The Osage orange fruit (Called Hedge apples) when ripe produces a milky substance that spiders don't like. You can get them at many farmers markets. Let them ripen then cut them up and toss them into your hunting pit.

Sometimes smoke bombs work well on widows, but often even smoke wont vacate widows for long and they just come back and repopulate their brood spot.

We have tons of black widows and my nemesis the brown recluse. If a widow got into my home or workshop, my female cat used to turn them into stumps, if I saw it first I just catch them in a cup and toss them out. She lived to kill spiders, widows, recluses and large wolf spiders. She'd use her leading claw to hold them down to not get stung.

Now if a brown recluse gets into my home and my cat didn't get it first, it got squished. Necrotic envenomation is no joke.

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Doesn't at all sound like false advertising. Call something a grenade that is just an aerosol can.

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I concur.

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Sycksyn. their called grenades because once the plunger is depressed, the spray cannot be stopped. Like a grenade with it's pin and plunger.

Even Fox Labs sells these and they list them as grenades, here's a better description. To me, it's more like a Bug Bomb for people :)

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I wish some one would make a bug bomb that would work on it's side, like this for killin the black widows in my goose pit every year

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