
PSA will accept orders from California for large capacity magazines. If your order is accepted the inventory is held in reserve for you. We cannot ship any of those orders until the opinion becomes final. If the decision is not final in the next 30 days, you will have the option to cancel the order or hold the reservation.

Statement on Standard Capacity Mags and California:
The Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals issued a much-anticipated opinion on August 14 finding the large capacity magazine ban is unconstitutional. Palmetto State Armory applauds the court’s ruling and is proud to have provided an affidavit in support of the challenge to the illegal ban.
As the court said, “California’s near-categorical ban of LCMs infringes on the fundamental right to self-defense…. [I]t substantially burdens the core right of self-defense guaranteed to the people under the Second Amendment. It cannot stand.”
“This decision is a victory for the Second Amendment and a reason Palmetto State Armory supports the Second Amendment Defense Fund,” said PSA owner Jamin McCallum. “Protecting our freedoms and defending our constitutional liberties are PSA’s founding principles.”
Due to the opinion, PSA will accept orders from California for large capacity magazines. If your order is accepted the inventory is held in reserve for you. We cannot ship any of those orders until the opinion becomes final. If the decision is not final in the next 30 days, you will have the option to cancel the order or hold the reservation.

Coupons for Palmetto State Armory store

Expiration date Unknown Report
Expiration date Unknown Report
Expiration date Unknown Report

Comments (39)

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Hahaha you fucktards in California crack me up.

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Oh yeah, they are going to sell them to CA alright, right after they jacked the prices way up again. Just like during freedom week 1, they jacked the mags from $5.99 to $9.99 for D&H Steel and $6.99 to $11.99 for Pmags and doubled some others. Then came Covideous Scamusuallus so they never lowered them back down and then this they added a few more $$ each for this court case. They have decided to compete with cheaper than dirt for the scummiest scamming company. Their product quality had been dropping for the last few years as the prices went higher and higher. Flash hiders on upside down, non functioning BCG's scratched and blemished as first quality etc. They have absolutely piled on the prices for their ammo too in true COD fashion....

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No they don’t.

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Is it even legal to order large capacity mags online for californian at this time even though the seller is able to sell? Brownells withdraws its advertisement for shipping large capacity mags to CA from its mag-sale webpage this weekend. Last Friday, if you read that Brownells' ad carefully, you may notice there is a note with small font in the corner "*local restriction may apply" ... Does it mean the seller will let buyers to undertake the consequence?

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Technically sale is probably possibly since since a kali resident is able to "own" such a mag, but can't have possession in state. If the default "shipping" is SC until further legal confirmation, and they agree to a refund should the judgement be overturned, they're not attempting to do anything illegal anymore. The "local restrictions" may possibly still apply on a municipal level, even if the state ban is removed. That is going to be more nuanced and harder to enforce, but unless they are as vocal as Cook county, the sellers may let you take the risk.

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And just like that PSA marks up mags by 200-300%. Can't let a panic moment go away.

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Yep, PSA changed quick. I bought a 6.5 grendal from them in February. I can’t imagine buying from them anytime soon. Their prices went up by 20-50% on just about everything. It all started when the stimulus checks were sent out.

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Another bunch of retards repeating their opinions about politics. See you at the polls or mailboxes in Nov.! Until then, post some gun deals or stfu.

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I’m not going to be happy when PSA lets the Kommiefornians clear off the shelves in their home state of SC.

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Wait.....wait. 2 things. 1-weed is legal in CA?!
2-30 round magazines are illegal in CA?! 3-weed is legal in CA?!

Or was there just 2 things?!

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30 round magazines used to be illegal in CA? Now that everyone either turned in, destroyed, or hid them like Jewish people in 1940 Germany and now they are now criminals, a judge said they are OK to have. Now mags are flying off the shelves...

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This here comrade came for gun deals, found a metric fuck ton of crazy.

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Welcome to the jungle

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Win win win!

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Funny because Trump is in Putin’s pocket, oh the irony!

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Oh give it up Hillary you still Lost your own Rigged election, Tell Soros ,,!,, For me!

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Trump will start a war with Russia if elected. Trump is Putin's best friend. I wish you morons would make up your minds or at least keep your lies in order. THAT is why Trump will be YOUR president for FOUR MORE YEARS.

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Amen ...the tantrum never ends

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Robert Mueller never found anything regarding Trump and Russia. Care to elaborate? You can call the FBI and tell them what you found out. Or just having fun trolling yeah?

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It's just like the SCAMDEMIC, OBEY! CONFORM!

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Now... will Kalifornia be reimbursing people for the magazines that were destroyed or Konfiscated by the state since they were in the wrong?

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Nope, but they might refund your bail when you’re arrested. They love criminals, but hate gun owners. Oh and the constitution, they hate that too. And conservatives, and puppies

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Control guns, but legalize marijuana.

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Most people favor legalizing weed. The Obama administration left it as a schedule 1 drug when given a chance to change the laws. Go read about it. It happen in 2014-2015

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You missed the point entirely.

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Atleast the Trump administration passed a bill allowing hemp production. Almost as good, minus the THC. Plenty of stores in SC sell it. Pretty relaxing stuff if you ask me, plus it keeps you from being a burnout

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control devices that were designed to kill people. and legalize something that has been used as an excuse to victimize the poor and minorities. wUt A cRaZy WoRld

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Huh? You must be the one smoking weed tonight. Vehicles are legal to drive yet kill many more people than guns ever do in this country. And you do know that 'minorities' commit most of those crimes using ILLEGAL guns AGAINST the poor. Or did you just happen to forget that fact? AR rifles are used in about 1% of those shootings. So they are not the problem.

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Yeah, just like a guy whose on a gun app but hates gun. Now that’s crazy of you ask me, but what do I know.

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yes, i clearly hate all my guns and deals on guns. somebody must have put something in yalls goya beans. maybe its that dangerous reefer pot. weed is illegal because of racism, cars kill people and rifles are used less in crimes, thanks for bringing up moot points. saltandpepper is your argument that minorities commit the crimes more frequently simply because they are a different race? sounds a litttlle racist. it cant have anything to do with the systemic social, economic, and legal abuse minorities received through out the past decades... or did you just forget that fact? ...or deny it.

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No...minorities commit crimes more frequently simply because they are THE SAME race. Are you an idiot (very serious question). Do FACTS bother you? Are FACTS racist? Do FACTS hurt your feelings? People like you seem to think the word RACIST means 'To disagree with'. You have absolutely no clue what a racist person it. People like you make those who actually went through racist times SICK! Like when football players who make millions a year call themselves 'slaves'. Really? Most wouldn't last an hour in the fields before they start crying. It is shameful for them to degrade what actual slaves went through. And you are doing the same thing, son. Get over it.
Saying magazines are "designed to kill people" would be like saying "pressure cookers are designed to kill people". :u/ Most guns and gun magazines have never killed anyone. So they are defective? And if you take out suicides, law enforcement killings, killing from war, and people legally defending their property or person/family, you pretty much have ACCIDENTS and bad people killing for their own gain. No one wants those last two things. Training and common sense can lower the first. Teaching children how to properly use a gun (or to stay away from them if too young) can also lower this. Banning all guns will not stop the second. They are already breaking the law. Why would they follow 'some' laws and not others?
Maybe if you go on FB and cry there some of your booty-buddies might feel sorry for you and actually like your posts. And learn to READ and get my name right next time ;) And it is good that you clearly hate all my guns and deals on guns. Because people like you give guns and gun owners a bad name as well as vote in people who want to take that right away from us.
Trump 2020-Hid'in from Biden

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people who actually went through racist times? wow, so you do deny it. I forgot people are pissed off in the streets for no reason. talk about not reading, when did i once say magazines are designed to kill people?.. but guns literally are. does that FACT hurt your feelings? Do FACTS make you question your gender identity? do ALL CAPS make my statement more interesting? nobody was talking about banning guns, or how criminals get guns. the whole point was its not so crazy to make some laws related to safe gun ownership verses legalizing weed, but saltandpecker had to take it to a whole new triggered level. glad you know so much about 'people like me' but i didnt have to guess that you were a trump supporter i'm sure you love screaming at women and children at protests with your 'all lives matter' sign.

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Better than sniffing stranger’s children and fingering bang chicks that don’t like him like Joe Biden does. Stfu RighteousBooty, you’re a dumbass

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oh i must've missed the part where i said i liked Biden. you guys have great imaginations. whats a bang chicks?

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First-You don't sound like a Trump voter and there is only one person left.
Second-How about discussing politics on FB and leave this site to gun discussions.

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MAGA 2020!

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Thank you SaltandPepper, couldn’t have said it better myself. God bless the USA and gun owners with common sense.

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Yep, I think that's the end of that argument
Tore him a new BOOTY

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