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Ok folk, these pumps AR10's are an excellent choice for many people.

Yes, semi-auto is nice but what I think is that most in other states never even realized California just banned all centerfired rifles and handguns that require magazines and a bullet button. We needed your help and have been talking about it for a year. YouTube videos, posts online, etc to help adjust that ban, but you guys never stepped up so now the laws have passed and I can almost bet in 5yrs you'll be in the same boat in the "free states".... remember California's ban on automatic weapons, silencers, etc? Well, most all states adopted this unless you had deep pockets and were able to obtain insanely difficult permits.

As of Jan 1st, this means, that in order for you to keep yours semi-auto rifle you MUST register them as "Aasault Weapons" with the Dept of Justice. This means that all AR15's, AR10's, AK47, AK54's, VEPR 7.62, Vepr 12's, and tons more are now illegal to own here or be sold by person or dealer. The only way to sell/purchase such the weapons much not have pistol grips, collapsible stocks, flash hiders, or forgrips. The problem is many of these guns don't have "hunting" style parts to replace with and inevitably illegal to own.

Dealers won't build featureless rifles bc California required a permit to work on Assault Weapons which costs tens of thousands of dollars most dealers cannot afford. So bye bye to legally smooth dealer purchases of any rifle or handguns that take magazines.

If you didn't own the weapon by Dec 21st (mandatory 10 day background waiting period) then you will not be able to register as an Assault Weapon and if you are caught in possession then you will be charged as being in possession and/or trafficking illegal assault weapons and you can bet you ass you'll lose ALL gun rights.

Next, high capacity magazines are banned. Grandfathered in prior to 1997? Doesn't matter. Grandfathered or not, everyone loses the right and as of Jan 1st, illegal.

Ammunition? We now as of Jan 1st have laws in effect that by 2018 all ammunition required background checks and anyone who buys over 250 bullets a month gets registered to a Dept Of Justice database. You will only be able to buy ammunition in California and if caught buying elsewhere, you'll be charged with trafficking illegal ammunition.

Many of you have never heard of these laws bc you aren't paying attention to California bc "it'll never happen in my state" nonsense and not even thinking that EVERY major law that California has passed eventually transfers to other states like emissions on vehicles, Safety in vehicles, seat belt laws, and the list goes on. Nevada has already been toying with the idea in the last few weeks in banning sales of ammo from other states and background checks on all ammo purchases with database logging.

I hope this clarifies almost of the confusion in the posts below. Yes, for us in California, this is a way to have a .308 on a AR platform, but since it isn't an AR10, it's not classified as in Assault Weapon and will not need to be registered as such.

At any rate, I think that this gun would make an EXCELLENT choice for us in California. All the reports I've read state that it's a solid gun with no major issues at all and amazingly accurate. I'm on the fence and am almost positively going to buy one.

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Great info. Thanks.

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This "ban" is not working too well for this "CA legal AK" with all typical "features" to be openly being sold on the internet and shipped to California FFLs.

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No one ever said California wasn't the most gun UN-friendly state out there. I do not agree that 'ever major law that California has passed eventually transfers to other states.' A lot yes, but not all. California legislation seems to be a decade ahead of where popular opinion is headed (good or bad) most of the time but they can also push the envelope too much and cause backlash everywhere else. Also, I bet that every weapon on your list does have a dozen of each of the named parts from different vendors that could be changed to make them not an “assault weapon” per California law. You obviously should NOT be required to modify anything on a gun that was purchased PRIOR to the law being enacted, someone should, needs to, and will press this in a federal court. To me this law along with NY’s “safe act” seem to be ex post facto laws (with no grandfather clause) which are against the constitution. Passing illegal laws isn't just for liberals though. For example, in my state of North Carolina, the legislator loves to pass modern day Jim Crow laws and spend millions of tax payer dollars defending them before they are one by one struck down as also unconstitutional.

This does look like a good option for someone living behind California borders....modern day lever-action almost.

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Very well put and thought out. Personally I think if everyone refused to register and we stuck together then they will change it. But people just bitch and comply. Or worse, they talk tough or wear "come and take it" or "the 2nd amendment is my registration" and when the time comes they immediately cave in. They won't even talk about the line being crossed.

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Thanks for all the big words & long paragraphs guys I now read at a 4th grade level.

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PUMP ACTION. For those who wonders.

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This is for restricted state residents where semi-auto AR 308 are banned.

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Or where semi auto, magazine-feed firearms have to be registered, which can probably lead to confiscation.

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Where are they confiscating guns again?

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give it time moron.

naive and short sighted people such as yourself have been a plague on humanity and it's freedom since day one.

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Can you narrow the time down to a decade or two time span? People like you have been repeating the same chant since the first ten amendments to the constitution were ratified. It is hardly naive to think 200+ years of history is a fairly stable track record. I bet you think it is naive to believe water is wet and rocks are hard, don't ya? It is possible some one could ban guns...yes. Is it Is your constant crying wolf doing any, it actually is harming the cause. There is a story about a whiny ass moron who kept yelling something bad would happen and after the 3rd or 4th time everyone stopped paying attention to him even when something bad did happen. You are on your four-thousandth "wolf" cry but even though you don't even know what a wolf looks like. The sad thing is you are convinced that you have saved all the sheep with your bravery each and every time you bellow out "Jimmy Carter is taking our guns!"

Again I ask, where are semi auto .308s banned? That is all I asked but the pimply faced junior sheep herders couldn't answer that could they so they switched to insults.

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it's called incrementalism and it's not a conspiracy you dumb fuck.

go suck start your shotgun you pseudo intellectual fudd fuck, as i said before morons like you have plagued humanity since the dawn of time.

the sort of faith you have in goverment has never worked out for any people, anywhere, in any time, across the whole fucking planet, you fucking idiot.

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You can rename your tinfoil hat wearing syndrome all you want but after all of these mythical gun grabs no one has grabbed a fucking gun you simple minded tool. The fact this website exists proves my point. I bet you tell the story about the frog placed in a gradually heated pot 27 times per day. Somehow people like you trust a high school graduate sight unseen who works for the government (a police officer) to choose who lives, dies, goes to jail but you automatically think a group of elected officials is going through your gun safe regardless of all evidence otherwise.

The only "incrementalism" is how you keep adding layers of bullshit to your already bullshit filled story about the time some politician took all of your guns when you visited the land of Oz.

I would not want you to harm yourself as that is not how we should treat the mentally ill or special needs among us. I hope you get help so one day you can legally own a firearm.

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Let's all stop and take a deep breath. No one is coming for our guns on a national scale. Not ever. Our elected officials are always looking past this election cycle to the next, championing the causes that they believe will keep them in office and avoiding those that they believe can hurt them. I doubt anyone would disagree with this.

If we examine where the toughest gun laws exist, it is confined to those states (and D.C.) which, by political leaning, support them. California, Massachusetts, Maryland, Washington D.C. are all ardently blue. Their leadership can lead the charge for those restrictive measures that they feel they can safely pass. California, for example, has a Democrat as Governor and overwhelming Democrat majorities in the State Assembly and State Senate. It's no wonder, then, that California's restrictive gun laws fall in line with the preferences of those that passed them, and the folks who elected the officials who made those decisions.

It's a huge stretch to assume that someone outside of these restrictive areas would make the decision (even an executive order) to tighten gun controls beyond what the voting public would accept. Let's take our most recent elected clown (Mr. Trump) as an example within a really unpleasant scenario: Someone walks into an elementary school with an AR somewhere in New York City (Trump's home turf) and kills a lot of people. Our thin-skinned new president sees this as a personal affront and vows to ban all "assault weapons." He could try the executive order route (for which he so often criticized his predecessor), but would even Mr. Trump get away with it? I doubt it. How many in Congress would feel the heat from their constituents and feel compelled to lash out against the executive order? Plenty, to be sure. Gun rights supporters have two advantages that most other constituencies do not have: they vote, and -- more importantly -- they donate money to those candidates who support the cause. "Liking" a candidate on Facebook is one thing; sending them a check is another. Gun rights supporters tend fall into the latter category more often than those on the other end of the political spectrum.

Had Ms. Clinton won the election I would be no more worried about my rights than I am today. To be honest, I am marginally more concerned under a Donald Trump presidency because he has shown himself to be a pathological liar who will say whatever feels is politically expedient. If the national mood shifted enough, our "defender" of the 2nd Amendment could well turn out to be it's greatest foe. Regardless, even the guy who has promised to "Make America Great Again" can't take away our gun rights in a meaningful way. It's not until a significant majority of the voting public decides it's time to make a change. That time is not now and I doubt that time will be any time soon.

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Extremely well said.

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Forcing people to register guns only has one purpose

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Yes but there are many semi auto .308's that are not defined as "assault weapons." Also, confiscation would mean they are knocking on doors or setting up mandatory collection points. I have not heard of either of those happening.

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Gun confiscation will not happen the way most think. New laws will be enacted to protect the children. Even though this will be a lie, it doesn't matter. The ends justify the means to those that want this to happen. Putting your head in the sand and saying it will not happen will not stop it from happening. Don't forget about individuals that want common sense gun control laws. Trump while not my first choice is much better than Hillary, whom is on record as saying gun confiscation is what she wants. If you don't believe me just do a quick search. Yes politicians receive money from gun owners, but that number does not increase at the same rate as non gun owners. Eventually, sooner than most think, these individuals will have the majority and the Constitution will be changed. It is much easier to impose higher taxes on ammunition or anything associated with firearms than confiscating them. So be careful of the slight of hand that will occur.

As far as gun confiscation in the good ole US of A, I think you have forgotten about Hurricane Katrina.

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Katrina gun confiscation?!? You mean them not letting people into shelters and on government buses with firearms? The people had 3 choices. Return to their home with the gun. Do not go to the shelter and find another way. Or surrender the gun and ask for Uncle Sam's help (they didn't exactly have a coat room to setup to 'check' your 1911). I dare you to walk into a police station, hospital, airport, embassy, or military base with a gun asking for help and the same thing will happen to you. That is not "confiscation" but standard security measures that any rational person should expect being that is pretty much status quo in every country in every emergency situation since the beginning of civilization. Your head appears to be in the sand as you clearly are avoiding the real world and the light of day altogether.

You people keep crying "slight of hand" or slippery slope for the last 200+ years. How tall is this slope and how slow does this hand move? They are playing the long game it EONS. Not sure who is more full of shit, the Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world or the AM radio junkies crying 'they are taking our guns' and refusing to have a reasonable discussion. As a reminder this conversation started with a lie of semi auto .308s being out right banned in some stilll unnamed state, has devolved into someone falsely claiming that they can no longer open carry a rifle down a dirt road in NJ which is not the case, now we are recycling conspiracy theories from over a decade ago that were so light on facts to begin with.. If your position on a subject is so strong why do you need to make up so many out right lies to "support" it? That just baffles me. I personally cannot hold a opinion that I need to fabricate evidence to defend.

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Maybe what (the only sarge) is trying to say is that this gun in semi auto configuration is illegal/banned in California. Therefore it would be confiscated.

California has banned most magazine fed semi auto rifles with a pistol grip. You have to use bullet buttons or a featureless stock.
So, if you go to California with your standard AR and they know about it; your gun will be confiscated and you will be arrested.

In New Orleans during Catrina, law enforcement officers confiscated thousands of guns illegally from registered owners.

Nationally, any full auto gun produced after 1986 is illegal and will be confiscated. Exception of demo guns, law enforcement, etc.

Not to mention; magazine capacity, silencers, sbr, sbs, and all the other ridiculous regulations there are now. Violation of any will result in confiscation and arrest.

I mention California because I am most familiar with their laws.

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Yes and I cannot own a firing tank so that must mean they are “confiscating” tracked vehicles?

Yet another person who picks TWO states out of FIFTY to show a national conspiracy. Why aren’t you talking about Obama signing into law allowing people to carry in national parks or NC allowing people to carry damn near everywhere? Hell, in NC I can take a gun to a SCHOOL as long as it is locked up or if you are caught with it unlocked or on your person, all you have to say is that you did not “knowingly” do so “on purpose”. 5 years ago my gun would have been “confiscated” if I did that. Looks like we are moving away from confiscation if we use my examples. For this discussion we need to look at the BIG PICTURE not cherry pick 4 percent of the states over and over again. "Weed is legal in CA, CO, WA, etc....therefor it is legal everywhere." Try that argument in a Tennessee courtroom.

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Never once did I mention a conspiracy.

I was just answering your question regarding the .308.

I did not just mention two states either; "nationally" refers to all 50 states including DC or 100% of the USA.
Overall, we have more restrictions this year than last, or the year before, and so on. Yes there have been a few victories for gun rights and I hope there will be many more.

If you would like a federal example look at Kansas. They passed a law allowing silencers to be unlicensed yet the feds jumped in and arrested Shane Cox and Jeremy Kettler.

Since you brought up "weed"; why isn't the federal government arresting everyone using marijuana in the US since it is illegal on the federal level?

I'm not a conspiracy person. I'm a realist that thought anyone reading these comments would like to see a few facts and your original question answered.

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I would love to see some tally of rolling forward vs rolling backward of gun laws over your gut feeling of "more restrictions.” Still confused at which state that has a blanket ban on semi auto .308’s. Seems like that claim and the one about confiscations have eroded more than our gun rights. Regarding the case of Shane Cox and Jeremy Kettler. Wasn't one of them MANUFACTURING and SELLING them? Didn’t the other one POST A VIDEO ONLINE of using his newly manufactured item purchased from the first guy? These are hardly dudes who were just plinking in their back yard. A better example would be finishing an 80% lower for your own use verses opening a unlicensed Marijuana dispensary then advertising on Facebook. Also I bet it is easier to go after 2 people violating federal laws that have series jail time than go after 100,000 people committing misdemeanors. You are claiming there is this massive ‘combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose’ of taking our guns….that is by definition a conspiracy. Fun fact: conspiracy nuts never consider themselves conspiracy nuts.

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Yes one was manufacturing and selling them. The other posted a video using the one he purchased. You clearly missed the point. Kansas passed a law making both of those actions completely legal.

As stated previously California has a blanket ban on .308 semi auto magazine fed rifles with pistol grips and no bullet button. Similar to the one listed (yes I know the one listed is pump).

Most marijuana dispensaries are online. ALL are federally illegal.

I don't really understand your purpose here. Maybe your getting the different users mixed up or are just lonely.

Clearly you're so pro-government you can't see straight. You're not interested in facts and understanding so, I am done wasting time. You're welcome to the last word.

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Thanks for reading between the lines that aren't there, arguing around the point, pretending you actually understand the positions you claim your hold, and for not grasping what the south losing the civil war did for state's vs federal 'rights.' You are so clearly anti-government you do not know up from down nor do you seem to care. Please save a spot for me in the confiscation line you seem to think you are standing in. More than likely it us just a line to get tickets to a Justin Bieber concert but since Obama is still in office it could be a ruse.

Still waiting on the state that has a blanket ban on semiautomatic .308s. Not 100 round drum mag fed, 10 inch barrel, pistol grips, bayonet mount, flash hider, 3 round burst models, or whatever "features" you need to add...but the claim that all .308 semiautomatic guns were banned in a still unnamed state that started this entire discussion. I am the badguy for calling out a lie....

Happy new year!

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Sure I'll play your ostrich game.
California has introduced a bill to ban all semi auto center fire rifles.
124 Democrats in the House introduced basically the same bill.
Nationwide I would agree they have a snowball chance in hell. Regionally it will eventually pass.
So friend...these types of products are being manufactured to protect law abiding Americans from certain regional attacks on our rights.
I'm surely no pimply face kid but have lived through doubters saying they will never control magazine capacity et al.
Wake up son.

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A PROPOSED law? Do you know how many new laws are PROPOSED and never looked at again?!? According to this link ( there are currently 12,061 bills and resolutions currently before the United States Congress and only 4 percent will make it to be coming a law. I remember a few years ago when many Blue States turned Red there were all these crazy new laws PROPOSED like allowing fishing with explosives and legalizing SPEAR HUNTING. By your logic those PROPOSED laws are good as fucking gold. (BTW, does Gander Mountain sell spears?) For every state like California and New York that restrict firearms there are a half dozen states like Texas and North Carolina that EXPANDED gun rights. “Wake up” you say? I say you should stop talking in your sleep…when your eyes are closed to the world (like an ostrich) all you have to ‘see’ are you own fears which time and time again have been proven wrong.

Tell me again about the FEMA death camps, operation Jade Helm, and when Bill Clinton was going to send “smart bombs” through your kitchen window if you said anything negative about the government.

Again I ask, where are semi auto .308s banned?

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Tell you what sunshine.....when I was a barefooted kid (about 12-13) walking down the old dirt road in front of our house heading to the river with my brother......both of us carrying Colt M16's our Dad had gotten in a trade for a window air conditioner unit....and not a soul cared nor said forward 50+ year to today and I am arguing with a guy who says all is well and don't worry about our gun right? Seriously? I have lived through enough and experienced the erosion of my rights and I know damn good and well how real the threat is. You want to argue and feel good about yourself? Knock yourself out kiddo.

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Your right about walking down the street with a M16 or forward to 2016 and you cannot find 10,000 videos on YouTube with people walking down the street with them, in line at Starbucks, at Target, etc on crowded streets and just for fun the 12 hours following a mass shooting. That could never happen these days let alone walking down a unpopulated dirtroad due to the tyranny we currently face. I do not know how I manage to walk down my own dirt road without the SWAT team showing every time. .

That was sarcasm BTW

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In New Jersey?

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Yes, how else can people hunt or get to the range if walking down the street with a gun would bring the feds? I know that they are not a "open carry state" though. If I am not mistaken NJ allows open carry of long guns.

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Didnt California just sign a bill "outlawing" semi suto rifles with "evil parts" that went into effect today. This weapon is now legal for those in California that wishes the features and in a pump action configuration that is legal.

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STILL NO ONE HAS SHOWN THAT ALL SEMI AUTO .308's REGARDLESS OF THEIR "FEATURES" ARE OUT RIGHT BANNED ANYWHERE. That was the original lie that started this entire that has been argued AROUND umpteen times. If you cannot defend your point (or someone else's) without adding / subtracting things AFTER THE FACT to the original claim than you really should stay quiet. I am not the person (actually personS) who was caught dead to rights in a lie but it is funny that you and yours are sitting here defending him and pretending I am the one who is part of some propaganda machine when you are the ones spreading misinformation.

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I went back and read all of this thread. All I could find was this comment by YH "This is for restricted state residents where semi-auto AR 308 are banned."
Then you went off on your tirade.'So to answer your question California.

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That has been edited. I clearly remember what was said hence my original comment.

BTW "sunshine," I wasn't the only one who went off in a tirade. Some cat was going on about walking down a dirt road with a couple of m16s after trading an AC unit if I recall.

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So you got my point. Good.

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Where is that?

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